User's Manual

The idle speed is correctly ad
usted when
the engine will run smoothly in every posi-
tion. The idle speed should also be well
below the speed at which the cutting at-
tachment starts to rotate.
Your Husqvarna product has been designed
and manufactured to specifications that re-
duce harmful emissions. After the engine
has used 8--10 tanks of fuel, the engine will
be run--in. To ensure that it continues to run
at peak performance and to minimize harm-
ful exhaust emissions after the run--in peri-
od, ask your servicing dealer to adjust your
The owner is responsible
or the per
mance of all required maintenance as
defined in the operator’s manual.
W ARNING! The complete clutch,
clutch cover, and shaft must be
fitted before the machine is started,
otherwise parts could come loose
and cause personal injury .
S The carburetor governs the engine’s
speed via the throttle control. Air and fuel
are mixed in the carburetor.
S The T--screw regulates the throttle setting
at idle speed. If the T--screw is turned
clockwise this gives a higher idle speed;
turning it counterclockwise gives a lower
idle speed.
Basic setting
S The basic carburetor settings are ad-
justed during testing at the factory . Fine
adjustment should be carried out by a
skilled technician.
CAUTION! If the cutting attachment rotates
when the engine is idling the idle adjustment
screw T should be turned counterclockwise
until the cutting attachment stops.
Rec. idle speed:
See Technical data” section.
Recommended max. speed:
See Technical data” section.
Fine adjustment of the idle
Adjust the idle speed using the idle adjust-
ment screw--T if it is necessary to readjust.
First, turn the idle adjustment screw--T
clockwise until the cutting attachment starts
to rotate. Then, turn the screw counterc-
lockwise until the cutting attachment stops.
W ARNING! Iftheidlespeed
cannot be adjusted so that the cut-
ting attachment stops, contact your
dealer/service workshop. Do not use
the machine until it has been cor-
rectly adjusted or repaired.
Idle Speed
Screw --T
W ARNING! If the idle speed can-
not be adjusted so that the cutting
attachme nt stops, contact your ser-
vicing dealer. Do not use the ma-
chine until it has been correctly ad-
justed or repaired.
Unit/Maintenance Safety
Disconnect the spark plug before perform-
ing maintenance, except carburetor adjust-
CAUTION! Muffler is fitted with a catalytic
converter designed to reduce harmful ex-
haust gases.
The muffler is designed to reduce the noise
level and to direct the exhaust gases away
from the operator . The exhaust gases are
hot and can contain sparks, which may
cause fire if directed against dry and com-
bustible material.
Mufflers are equipped with a special spark
arrestor mesh. The mesh should be
checked and, if necessary. cleaned by a
servicing dealer . If the mesh is damaged,
it should be replaced. Ifthemeshisfre-
quently blocked, this can be a sign that the
performance of the catalytic converter is
impaired. Contact your servicing dealer to
inspect the muffler. A blocked mesh will
cause the machine to overheat and result
in damage to the cylinder and piston.