User Manual

«»WARNING: Always disconnect
spark plug wire and place wire where it can
not contact spark plug to prevent accidental
starting when setting up, transporting, ad
justing or making repairs except carburetor
Because a chain saw is a high-speed wood
cutting tool, special safety precautions must
be observed to reduce the risk of accidents.
Careless or improper use of this tool can
cause serious injury.
Read this manual carefully until you com
pletely understand and can follow ail safe
ty rules, precautions, and operating in
structions before attempting to use the
Restrict the use of yoursawto adult users
who understand and can follow safety
rules, precautions, and operating instruc
tions found in this manual.
Safety Hat
Heavy Duty
II Safety Chaps
Wear protective gear. Always use steel-
toed safety footwear with non-slip soles;
snug-fitting clothing; heavy-duty, non-slip
gloves; eye protection such as non-fog
ging, vented goggles or face screen; an
approved safety hard hat; and sound barri
ers {ear plugs or mufflers) to protect your
hearing. Regular users should have hear
ing checked regularly as chain saw noise
can damage hearing. Secure hair above
shoulder length.
Keep ail parts of your body away from the
chain when the engine is running.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals a
minimum of 30 feet (10 meters) away from
the work area. Do not allow other people
or animals to be near the chain saw when
starting or operating the chain saw.
Do not handle or operate a chain saw
when you are fatigued, ill, or upset, or if you
have taken alcohol, drugs, or medication.
You must be in good physical condition
and mentally alert. Chain saw work is
strenuous. If you have any condition that
might be aggravated by strenuous work,
check with your doctor before operating a
chain saw.
* Carefully planyoursawingoperation in ad
vance. Do not start cutting untilyou havea
clearwork area, secure footing, and, if you
are felling trees, a planned retreat path.
* Do not operatea chain saw with one hand.
Serious injury to the operator; helpers, by
standers or any combination of these per
sons may result from one-handed opera
tion. A chain saw is intended for
two-handed use.
* Operate the chain saw only in a well-venti
lated outdoor area.
* Do not operate saw from a ladder or in a
* Make sure the chain will not make contact
with any object while starting the engine.
Never try to start the saw when the guide
bar is in a cut.
* Do not put pressure on the saw at the end
of the cut. Applying pressure can cause
you to lose control when the cut is com
* Stop the engine before setting the saw
* Do not operate a chain saw that is dam
aged, improperly adjusted, or not com
pletely and securely assembled. Always
replace bar, chain, hand guard, or chain
brake immediately if it becomes damaged,
broken or is otherwise removed.
* With the engine stopped, hand carry the
chain saw with the muffler away from your
body, and the guide bar and chain to the
rear, preferably covered with a scabbard.
* Have all chain saw service performed by a
qualified service dealer with the exception
of the items listed in the maintenancesec-
tionofthis manual. Forexample, if improp
er tools are used to remove or hold the fly
wheel when servicing the clutch, structural
damage to the flywheel can occur and
cause the flywheel to burst.
* Make certain the saw chain stops moving
when the throttle trigger is released. For
correction, refer to CARBURETOR AD
* Never modify your saw in any way.
* Keepthe handles dry, clean, and free of oil
or fuel mixture.
* With the engine stopped, hand carry the
chain saw with the muffler away from your
body, and the guide bar and chain to the
rear, preferably covered with a guide bar
* Keep fuel and oil caps, screws, and fas
teners securely tightened.
* Use only Husqvarna accessories and re
placement parts as recommended.
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* Do not smoke while handling fuel or while
operating the saw.
* Eliminateall sources of sparks or flame in
the areas where fuel is mixed or poured.