User Manual

(Fig. 1)
1. Battery
2. Battery charger
3. Power plug
4. Charging LED
5. Error LED on charger
6. Error LED on battery
7. LED indicator for the state of charge
8. Battery indicator button
Be careful and use the product correctly. This product
can cause serious injury or death to the operator or
Read the operator's manual carefully and make sure that
you understand the instructions before use.
Do not submerge the battery in water.
yyyywwxxxx The rating plate shows serial number. yyyy is the pro-
duction year, ww is the production week.
Note: Other symbols/decals on the product refer to certification
requirements for some commercial areas.
Warnings, cautions and notes are used to point out specially important parts
of the manual.
WARNING: Used if there is a risk of injury or death
for the operator or bystanders if the instructions in the manual
are not obeyed.
CAUTION: Used if there is a risk of damage to the
product, other materials or the adjacent area if the
instructions in the manual are not obeyed.
Note: Used to give more information that is necessary in a given
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