Operating Guide

Table Of Contents
If the spark plug is dirty, clean it and make sure that
the electrode gap is correct, refer to
Technical data
on page 24
Replace the spark plug if it is necessary.
Air filter
Remove dust and dirt from the air filter to keep it clean
and prevent these problems:
Carburetor malfunctions.
Problems when you start the product.
Loss of engine power.
Increased wear to engine parts.
Too much fuel consumption.
To clean the air filter
CAUTION: A air filter that is damaged, very
dirty or soaked with fuel must always be
If you use an air filter for a long time it cannot be fully
cleaned. Replace the air filter with a new one at regular
1. Move the choke lever up, to close the choke valve.
2. Remove the air filter cover and remove the air filter.
3. Clean the air filter with warm soap water.
4. Replace the air filter if it is too dirty to fully clean it.
Always replace a damaged air filter.
5. Also clean the inner surface of the filter cover. Use
air or a brush.
6. Do a check of the rubber sealing surface. Replace
the filter on the rubber seal if it is damaged.
7. Make sure that the filter is dry before you assemble
Two piece-shaft
Apply grease to the end of the drive shaft after each 30
hours of operation. There is a risk that the drive shaft
ends (splined coupling) on models with two-piece shafts
will seize if they are not lubricated regularly.
To check the chain drive sprocket
1. Regularly check the degree of wear on the drive
sprocket. Replace if wear is excessive.
703 - 005 - 20.10.2020