Operating Guide

Table Of Contents
3. Apply full throttle and tilt your left wrist against the
front hand guard to engage the chain brake. The
saw chain must stop immediately. (Fig. 98)
WARNING: Do not let go of the front handle.
To do a check of the throttle trigger and
throttle trigger lockout
1. Make sure that the throttle trigger and throttle trigger
lockout move freely and that the return spring works
correctly. (Fig. 99)
2. Press down the throttle trigger lockout and make
sure that it goes back to its initial position when you
release it. (Fig. 100)
3. Make sure that the throttle trigger is locked at the
idle position when the throttle trigger lockout is
released. (Fig. 101)
4. Start the product and apply full throttle.
5. Release the throttle trigger and make sure that the
saw chain stops and stays stationary.
WARNING: If the saw chain rotates
when the throttle trigger is in the idle
position, speak to your servicing dealer.
To do a check of the chain catcher
1. Make sure that there is no damage on the chain
2. Make sure that the chain catcher is stable and
attached to the body of the product. (Fig. 32)
To do a check of the right hand guard
Make sure that the right hand guard is not damaged
and that there are no defects, such as cracks. (Fig.
To do a check of the vibration damping
1. Make sure that there are no cracks or deformation
on the vibration damping units.
2. Make sure that the vibration damping units are
correctly attached to the engine unit and handle unit.
Refer to
Product overview on page 9
for information
about where the vibration damping system is on your
To do a check of the start/stop switch
1. Start the engine.
2. Press the start/stop switch down to the STOP
position. The engine must stop. (Fig. 34)
To do a check of the muffler
WARNING: Do not use a product that has a
defective muffler or a muffler that is in bad
WARNING: Do not use a product if the spark
arrestor mesh on the muffler is missing or
1. Examine the muffler for damages and defects.
2. Make sure that the muffler is correctly attached to
the product. (Fig. 102)
3. If your product has a special spark arrestor mesh,
clean the spark arrestor mesh weekly. (Fig. 103)
4. Replace a damaged spark arrestor mesh.
CAUTION: If the spark arrestor mesh is
blocked the product becomes too hot and
this causes damage to the cylinder and
To adjust the idle speed screw (T)
The basic carburetor adjustments are done at the
factory. You can adjust the idle speed but for more
adjustments, refer to your servicing dealer.
To give the components of the engine sufficient
lubrication during run-in, adjust the idle speed. Adjust
the idle speed to the recommended idle speed. Refer to
Technical data on page 27
If the saw chain rotates at idle
speed, turn the idle speed screw
counterclockwise until the saw chain stops.
1. Start the product.
2. Turn the idle speed screw clockwise until the saw
chain starts to rotate.
3. Turn the idle speed screw counterclockwise until the
saw chain stops.
The idle speed is correctly adjusted when the
engine runs correctly in all positions. The idle speed
must also be safely below the speed at which the saw
chain starts to rotate.
WARNING: If the saw chain does not stop
when you turn the idle speed screw, speak
to your servicing dealer. Do not use the
product until it is correctly adjusted.
To examine if the carburetor is correctly
Make sure that the product has the correct
acceleration capacity.
1270 - 002 - 30.06.2020