Operation Manual

English - 15
Search method 2: Follow guide wire
The robotic lawnmower operates irregularly until it
reaches the guide wire. Then the robotic lawnmower
follows the guide wire to the charging station.
The guide wire is a wire that is laid from the charging
station towards, for instance, a remote part of the working
area or through a narrow passage to be then connected
with the boundary loop. See 3.6 Installation of the guide
wire on page 29.
This search method makes it easier for the robotic
lawnmower to nd the charging station beyond many
or large islands, narrow passages or steep slopes.
The benet of this search method is shorter search times.
Search method 3: Follow boundary wire
The robotic lawnmower operates irregularly until it
reaches the boundary loop. Then it follows the boundary
loop to the charging station. The robotic lawnmower
randomly selects to travel clockwise or anticlockwise.
This search method is suitable in an installation with
an open lawn space, wide passages (wider than about
3 metres) and no or only a few small islands.
The benet of this search method is that there is no need
to install a guide wire.
The disadvantage is that some tracks can be formed
in the lawn alongside the boundary loop. The search
time will also be longer if there are narrow passages
or numerous islands in the installation.
As a rule, this search method is used only if the robotic
lawnmower cannot nd the charging station using search
method 1 or 2 within the expected time period.
OM_1157863-26_HQ 310,315,EN_160229.indd 15 2016-02-29 10:51:38