Operation Manual

English - 18
The charging station must be positioned with a great deal
of free space in front of it (at least 3 metres). It should
also be centrally placed in the working area to make it
easier for the robotic lawnmower to reach all areas in the
working area.
Do not put the charging station in conned spaces in the
working area. This can make it difcult for the robotic
mower to nd the charging station.
The charging station must be positioned on relatively
level ground. The front end of the charging station must
be a maximum of 5 cm higher or lower than the back end.
The charging station must not be positioned in a way that
can bend its base plate.
OM_1157863-26_HQ 310,315,EN_160229.indd 18 2016-02-29 10:51:40