Operation Manual

English - 48
6.5 Messages
Historical and information messages can be read using
this function. Regards some of the most common fault
messages, there are tips and advice to help you rectify
the fault. See 9.1 Fault messages on page 74.
Fault messages
If the robotic lawnmower is disrupted in any way e.g. gets
stuck under a fallen branch a message is shown in the
lawnmower’s display relating to the disruption and the
time it happened.
If the same fault message is repeated several times, this
may indicate that an adjustment to the installation or the
robotic lawnmower is required. See 9.1 Fault messages
on page 74 for more information on possible reasons for
each message.
The list contains the latest 50 fault messages sorted by
date with the last incident to occur rst on the list.
The date and time when the fault messages are displayed
can be shown by selecting a fault message and pressing
the OK button.
Tips and advice to help you rectify the fault, are also
Info messages
Messages shown in the display not caused by an actual
fault are instead saved under the Info messages heading.
Examples for such messages is Slope too steep. See 9.1
Fault messages on page 74 for more information on
possible reasons for each message.
The list contains the latest 50 fault messages sorted by
date with the last incident to occur rst on the list.
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