Operation Manual

English - 57
Corridor width > Guide
The function Automatic passage handling will
automatically adjust the guide corridor width. If Automatic
passage handling is disabled, manual settings need to be
entered. The corridor width can be set between 0 and 9.
If value 0 is specied, the robotic lawnmower will straddle
the guide wire meaning it runs right over the middle of the
guide wire.
Use the arrow keys to specify the required value.
The factory setting is 9.
Exit angles
Normally the robotic lawnmower leaves the charging
station in a direction within the 90°-270° exit sector.
By changing the exit angles, it makes it easier for the
robotic lawnmower to reach the largest working area if the
charging station is placed in a passage.
Exit angles > Sectors
The robotic lawnmower can be set for one or two exit
sectors. If the charging station is placed in a passage,
two exit angles, for instance 70° - 110° and 250° - 290°,
can be used.
When two exit angles are used, there is a need to also
specify how often the robotic lawnmower must leave
the charging station in sector 1. This is done using the
Proportion function by initially specifying a percentage.
For instance the percentage of 75 % means that the
robotic lawnmower leaves the charging station in Sector 1
on 75% of the times and 25% of the times in sector 2.
Use the number keys to specify the required angles in
degrees for the sectors and proportion as a percentage.
Reversing distance
This functions allows you to control how far the robotic
lawnmower has to reverse out from the charging station
before it starts mowing. This is a useful function for
instance if the charging station is placed way in under a
veranda or in another limited space area.
Use the number keys to specify the required reverse
distance in centimetres. The factory setting is 60 cm.
OM_1157863-26_HQ 310,315,EN_160229.indd 57 2016-02-29 10:52:27