Operation Manual

English - 77
9.2 Info messages
A number of info messages are listed below that can be shown on the display on the robotic lawnmower. It is
recommended to contact your dealer if the same message appears often. Check that the installation is performed
as described in the Operator’s Manual. Then contact your local dealer.
Message Cause Action
Low battery
The robotic lawnmower cannot nd
the charging station.
Check that the charging station and the guide wire
are installed in accordance with the instructions.
See 3 Installation on page 16.
The guide wire is broken or not
Find out where the break is and rectify it.
The battery is spent.
Contact your dealer to test or possibly replace the
The charging station’s antenna is
Check if the indicator lamp in the charging station
ashes red. See 9.3 Indicator lamp in the charging
station on page 78.
Settings restored
Conrmation that a Reset all user
settings has been carried out.
This is normal. No action required.
Guide not found
The guide wire is not connected to
the charging station.
Check that the guide wire’s connector is tightly
connected to the charging station. See 3.6
Installation of the guide wire on page 29.
Break in the guide wire.
Find out where the break is. Replace the
damaged section of the guide wire with a new
loop wire and splice using an original coupler.
The guide wire is not connected to
the boundary loop.
Check that the guide wire is connected correctly
to the boundary loop. See 3.6 Installation of the
guide wire on page 29. Splice using an original
Guide calibration
The robotic lawnmower has failed to
calibrate the guide wire.
Check that the guide wires are installed according
to the instructions, See 3.6 Installation of the
guide wire on page 29
Guide calibration
The robotic lawnmower has
succeeded to calibrate the guide wire.
No action required.
Difcult nding home
The robotic lawnmower has been
following the boundary wire several
laps without nding the charging
The installation has not been done correctly.
See Laying the boundary wire on page 25.
Wrong corridor width setting on boundary wire.
See Finding the charging station on page 13.
The mower was started on a Secondary area with
the Main area setting.
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