User's Manual

English 51
Dismantle the following parts:
1. Bar and chain. See the Operator Guide.
2. Centrifugal clutch. See the chapter "Centrifugal clutch".
3. Muffler. See the chapter "Safety equipment".
4. Carburettor. See the chapter "Carburettor".
5. Starter. See the chapter "Starter".
6. Ignition system and the spark plug. See the chapter
"Ignition system".
7. Tank unit. See the chapter "Tank unit".
Continue to dismantle as follows:
8. Place the engine unit in a vice and knock out the bar bolt
(A) using a hammer.
1. Insert the new bar bolt (A) into its hole in the engine unit.
Make sure the square head of the bolt fits in the square
hole in the engine unit.
2. Turn the bolt into the right position by using a socket and
Now assemble the following parts:
3. Tank unit. See the chapter "Tank unit".
4. Ignition system and the spark plug. See the chapter
"Ignition system".
5. Starter. See the chapter "Starter".
6. Carburettor. See the chapter "Carburettor".
7. Muffler. See the chapter "Safety equipment".
8. Centrifugal clutch. See the chapter "Centrifugal clutch".
9. Bar and chain. See the Operator Guide.