User's Manual

10 – English
Start cutting with the machine running at maximum
Always hold the machine in a firm grip with both hands.
Hold it so that the thumbs and fingers grip round the
Cutting technique
The technique described below is of a general character.
Check information for each blade regarding individual cutting
characteristics (for example, diamond blades requires less
feeding pressure than an abrasive discs).
Support the work piece in such a way that it is possible to
predict what will happen, and so that the cut remains open
while cutting.
Check that the blade is not in contact with anything when
the machine is started
Always cut at maximum speed.
Start cutting smoothly, allowing the machine to work
without forcing or pressing in the blade.
Move the blade slowly forwards and backwards to achieve
a small contact area between the blade and the material
to be cut. This reduces the temperature of the blade and
ensures effective cutting.
Feed down the machine in line with the blade. Pressure
from the side can damage the blade and is very
The guard for the cutting equipment should be adjusted so
that the rear section is flush with the work piece. Spatter
and sparks from the material being cut are then collected
up by the guard and led away from the user.
Sharpening diamond blades
Diamond blades can become dull when the wrong feeding
pressure is used or when cutting certain materials such as
heavily reinforced concrete. Working with a blunt diamond
blade causes overheating, which can result in the diamond
segments coming loose.
Sharpen the blade by cutting in a soft material such as
sandstone or brick.
Blade vibration
The blade can become out-of-round and vibrate if an
excessive feed pressure is used.
A lower feed pressure can stop the vibration. Otherwise
replace the blade. The blade must be of the recommended
type for the material to be cut.
WARNING! The safety distance for the power
cutter is 15 metres. You are responsible to
ensure that animals and onlookers are not
within the working area. Do not start cutting
until the working area is clear and you are
standing firmly.
WARNING! Overexposure to vibration can
lead to circulatory damage or nerve damage
in people who have impaired circulation.
Contact your doctor if you experience
symptoms of overexposure to vibration.
These symptoms include numbness, loss of
feeling, tingling, pricking, pain, loss of
strength, changes in skin colour or
condition. These symptoms normally appear
in the fingers, hands or wrists.
WARNING! Under all circumstances avoid
grinding using the side of the blade; it will
almost certainly be damaged, break and can
cause immense damage. Only use the
cutting section.
Do not pull the power cutter to one side, this
can cause the blade to jam or break
resulting in injury to people.