Operation Manual

Embroidery Stitch-Out
Design Positioning exercise
When adding one design to a previously embroidered
design, or when matching a design to a patterned fabric,
Design Positioning is very useful.
1. Select Design DD_058.vp3 and embroider one in the
upper left corner of the hoop. Touch number 1. Use
the stylus or Control Arrows to move the cursor to
the upper left corner of the design. Touch Zoom to
Cursor to maximize the zoom so that you will be able
to place the cursor accurately on the design. Select Pan
to move the design on the screen without moving the
cursor. Reselect Position when you want to move the
2. Touch number 2. The cursor is now locked. Move
the locked point to the upper left corner of the
embroidered design. Use the Position function and
the Control to move the cursor. Watch the hoop
move until the needle is exactly above the point where
you want the embroideries to connect. Once you are
satisÀ ed, touch OK to close the Design Positioning
window and start embroidering.
3. If you want to line up the design with the previously
embroidered design, you can select a second matching
point. Touch number 3 and move the red cursor to a
point where you want the second matching point to
be. Watch the screen and zoom in as much as you can
so that you will be able to place the cursor accurately.
4. Touch number 4 to rotate the design so that it lines up
with the previously embroidered design on your fabric.
Check that the needle is in the exact position on the
5. Touch OK to close Design Positioning and start