Operation Manual

File Manager
Open a Folder
To open a folder, select it and touch the Open Folder icon
or Touch & Hold to open it. The contents of the folder will
be shown in the selection area.
Open a À le
To open a À le, click on the À le with your stylus and touch
OK. You can also Touch & Hold on the À le to open it.
Move Up One Folder Level
Use the Move up one folder level icon to step up through
the levels of folders. You can step up all the way to the À rst
level. In the selection area you will see the À les and folders
for each level as you step.
Folder Structure
Touch the area of the Dropdown Menu to open a drop
down window that shows the folder levels down to the
current folder. Work your way back through the levels by
touching a folder at another level.
Use the External Device icon to switch between external
devices such as your computer or USB embroidery stick.
Move up one
folder level
Open folder
Dropdown menu