Operation Manual

8-Way Stitches – Menu T .............................................4:19
Manual bartack ..............................................................4:20
Save to My Stitches .......................................................4:21
Special Sewing Techniques .........................................4:22
Decorative Tapering Stitches .......................................4:22
Sewing pop-up messages 4:23
5 Program 5:1
Program - overview of icons 5:2
To program in Sewing Mode 5:3
To program in Embroidery Edit 5:3
Edit your stitch or lettering program 5:4
Adjust the entire program ..............................................5:4
Save to “My Stitches” .....................................................5:5
Save your Program in “My Files” .................................5:5
Stitch program commands .............................................5:6
Sewing a stitch program .................................................5:6
Important Program mode information 5:7
Program pop-up messages 5:8
6 Embroidery Set Up 6:1
Embroidery unit overview 6:2
Embroidery hoop overview ..........................................6:2
Built-In Designs 6:3
DESIGNER DIAMOND™ Sampler Book ..............6:3
Connect the embroidery unit 6:3
Remove the embroidery unit 6:3
To hoop the fabric 6:4
Slide on the hoop 6:4
Automatic Jump Stitch Trim 6:4
Getting started embroidering 6:5
7 Embroidery Edit 7:1
Embroidery Edit - overview of icons 7:2
Main functions in the
Extended Embroidery Edit toolbar 7:3
Load a stitch .....................................................................7:3
Load a font .......................................................................7:3
Load a design ...................................................................7:3
Exclusive EMBROIDERY ADVISOR™ ...................7:3
File Manager.....................................................................7:3
SET Menu ........................................................................7:3
Information menu ...........................................................7:3
Touch functions 7:4
My Hoops 7:5
Design Shaping 7:5
Resize 7:7
Important Resize information .......................................7:8
Color Edit 7:9
Edit Stitch Program 7:10
Full Screen 7:10
2-dimensional/3-dimensional view toggle 7:10
Zoom 7:10
Program Embroidery fonts 7:11
Adjustments 7:12
How to select designs 7:13
Advanced selection ......................................................7:14
Select designs exercise ..................................................7:15
Embroidery Edit Pop-up messages 7:16
8 Embroidery Stitch-Out 8:1
To enter Embroidery Stitch-Out ..................................8:2
Embroidery Stitch-Out -
Overview of icons 8:2
Design Positioning 8:3
How to use Design Positioning ....................................8:4
Design Positioning Wizard ............................................8:4
Design Positioning exercise ...........................................8:5
Baste in Hoop 8:6
Move Hoop 8:6
Full Screen 8:7
Color Functions icon 8:7
Smart Save 8:7
Corner check 8:8
2-dimensional/3-dimensional view toggle 8:8
Zoom 8:8
Remaining Embroidery Time by Color 8:8
Thread Tension Control 8:8
Step Stitch-by-Stitch control 8:8
Go to Stitch ......................................................................8:9
Return to Embroidery Edit 8:9
Number of stitches
in Embroidery Combination 8:9
Number of Stitches
in Current Color Block 8:9
Color Block list 8:9
Function Buttons
in Embroidery Stitch-Out 8:10
Speed + and - .................................................................8:10
FIX ..................................................................................8:10
Sensor Foot Down and Pivot ......................................8:10
Sensor Foot Up and Extra Lift ...................................8:10
Selective Thread Cutter ................................................8:10
Start/Stop ....................................................................... 8:10
Needle Stop Up/Down / Trim Position ...................8:10
Stitch Re-Start / Bobbin Access .................................8:10
Embroidery Stitch-Out pop-up messages 8:11
Design Positioning ........................................................8:12
9 File Manager 9:1
File Manager 9:2
Available memory ............................................................9:3
Browse File Manager 9:3
Organize 9:6
File Manager pop-up messages 9:7
10 Maintenance 10:1
Cleaning the machine 10:2
Troubleshooting 10:3
Index 10:5
Intellectual Property 10:11