Operation Manual

EmbroidEry Edit 7:5
Since designs are digitized for a specic design size, it is important to
consider the following information about Resize. Always embroider a
test sample of your resized design before embroidering on a project.
  
30%, it will be 30% smaller in both length and width.
  
 
many details.
 
 
larger than hoop size, the machine will not be able to
embroider it.
  
stitch irregularities. Press the Control Center to return
to 100% and resize to a smaller percentage for a better
purchase from your local authorized dealer.
 
 
cause stitch irregularities. For the best resize result,
always start with a design in original size.
 
how many stitches it contains, the resize process time
 
to adjust the size, rotation, mirroring etc. When you
adds the rotation, mirroring etc.
 
change a design less than 20% and also for designs
digitized with single or triple stitches, such as cross
stitch embroideries. In this case, you do not want to
add stitches to the design, you only want to make the
design larger or smaller by making each original stitch
larger or smaller.