Recipe Book

Carefully mix egg whites and egg yolks
together. Then carefully fold in flour
mixture. Put the mixture into the baking
tin, smooth and put in the appliance.
Time in the appliance: 45 minutes
Shelf position: 2
8.9 Savarin Cake
Ingredients for the dough:
350 g flour
1 small packet dried yeast (8 g dry
yeast or 42 g fresh yeast)
75 g sugar
100 g butter
5 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 packet vanilla sugar (approximately
8 g)
125 ml milk
After baking:
375 ml water
200 g sugar
100 ml plum brandy or 100 ml orange
Put flour, dried yeast, sugar, butter, egg
yolks, salt, vanilla sugar and milk into a
mixing bowl and knead to a smooth
yeast dough. Cover the dough in the
bowl and leave to rise for 1 hour. Then
place the dough in a greased ring-
shaped cake tin and cover and leave to
rise again for 45 minutes.
Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
Shelf position: 1
After baking:
Bring water and sugar to the boil and
leave to cool.
Add plum brandy or orange liqueur to
the sugar water and mix together.
When the cake has cooled, pierce it
several times with a wooden skewer and
then let the mixture soak into the cake
8.10 Streusel Cake
Ingredients for the dough:
375 g flour
20 g yeast
150 ml tepid milk
60 g sugar
1 pinch salt
2 egg yolks
75 g softened butter
Ingredients for the crumble:
200 g sugar
200 g butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
350 g flour
50 g chopped nuts
30 g melted butter
Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl, make
a well in the centre. Cut up the yeast,
place it in the well, stir in with the milk
and some of the flour from around the
edge, sprinkle with flour, leave to rise in
a warm place until the flour sprinkled on
the pre-dough is showing cracks.
Put the sugar, egg yolks, butter and salt
on the edge of the flour. Knead all
ingredients into a workable yeast dough.
Leave the dough to rise in a warm place
until it is about double the size. Then roll
out the dough and place on a greased
baking tray and leave to rise again.
Place sugar, butter and cinnamon in a
mixing bowl and mix together.
Add the flour and the nuts and knead
together so that you make a crumble
Spread the butter on the risen dough
and spread the crumble mixture on it
Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
Shelf position: 3
8.11 Swedish Cake
5 eggs
340 g sugar
100 g melted butter
360 g flour
1 packet baking powder
(approximately 15 g)
1 packet vanilla sugar (approximately
8 g)
1 pinch salt
200 ml cold water