Recipe Book

Shelf position: 1
10.8 Vegetable spaetzle
Ingredients for 2 people:
250 g fresh spaetzle
2 medium sticks celery, approximately
100 g
1 large carrot, approximately 150 g
1 tablespoon butter
50 ml bouillon
100 g plain cream cheese or cream
cheese with herbs (e.g. Cantadou)
freshly ground black pepper
1/2 bunch chives
30 g grated cheese, e.g. Sbrinz or
100 ml single cream
Put the spaetzle into a buttered baking
Prepare and dice the celery and carrot.
Sauté briefly in butter in the frying pan.
Add the bouillon, cover and cook the
vegetables for 5 minutes. Remove the
pan from the heat. Stir in the cream
cheese. Season the vegetables with salt
and pepper.
Pour the vegetable sauce over the
spaetzle. Using scissors chop the chives
over the dish. Sprinkle with the grated
cheese and drizzle with cream.
Time in the appliance: 12 minutes
Shelf position: 2
10.9 Pasta Gratin
1 liter water
250 g tagliatelle
250 g cooked ham
20 g butter
1 bunch of parsley
1 onion
100 g butter
1 egg
250 ml milk
salt, pepper and nutmeg
50 g grated Parmesan
Bring water with a little salt to the boil.
Put the tagliatelle into the boiling salted
water and boil for about 12 minutes.
Then drain.
Dice the ham.
Heat butter in a pan.
Chop parsley and peel the onion and
chop this as well. Sweat both in the frying
Grease a baking dish with a little butter.
Mix tagliatelle, ham and sweated parsley
and onions and put into the dish.
Mix egg and milk and season with salt,
pepper and nutmeg and then pour onto
the pasta mixture. Then distribute the
Parmesan onto the dish.
Time in the appliance: 45 minutes
Shelf position: 2
10.10 Beef Casserole
600 g beef
salt and pepper
10 g butter
1 onion
330 ml dark beer
2 teaspoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons tomato paste
500 ml beef stock
Cut the beef into cubes, season with salt
and pepper and sprinkle with a little
Heat butter in a pan and brown the
pieces of meat. Then place in a casserole
Peel onion and chop finely, fry lightly in a
little butter, then put in the dish on top
of the meat.
Mix dark beer, brown sugar, tomato
paste and beef stock, put into the frying
pan and bring to the boil. Then pour
over the meat (meat should be covered).
Cover and put into the appliance.
Time in the appliance: 120 minutes
Shelf position: 2