User manual

QN 4039
1 cup milk 200 ml 900 1min50–2 2–3 Heat milk till it is just hot
enough to drink. Stir.
1 cup coffee (reheat) 200 ml 900 45–55 2–3 Stir. Check temperature !
Defrosting and heating of frozen convenience foods
1 portion meat 150 700 2–4 2–3 Heat in a covered con-
with gravy tainer. Stir now and again.
1 portion meat with 350–450 700 7–14 2–3 As for meat with gravy.
vegetables, garnish
Description Weight Power Duration
Standing Remarks/Hints
(g) (Watt) (min)
time (min)
Fish fillets 500 500 1–3 6–8 Cook covered, turn
halfway through
Whole fish 800 1) 900 3–5 3 Cook during cooking.
500 2) 450 9–11 3 Cook flat parts with
aluminium foil.
The times stated here are for guidance only.
Description Weight Liquid Power Duration Standing Remarks/Hints
(g) added (Watt) (min) time (min)
Cauliflower 500 1/8 l 900 8–10 2 Dot with butter.
Frozen broccoli 300 1/8 l 900 7–9 2 Stalks facing outwards.
Mushrooms 250 none 900 4–6 2 Cut into slices.
Frozen peas and carrots 300 ½ cup 900 7–9 2
Carrots 250 2-3 tsp. 900 6–8 2 Cut into cubes or sli-
Potatoes 250 2-3 tsp. 900 4–6 2 Peel and quarter.
Red/green peppers 250 none 900 4–6 2 Cut into cubes or slices.
Leeks 250 ½ cup 900 4–6 2 Cut into rings or pieces.
Frozen Brussels sprouts 300 ½ cup 900 7–9 2
Cooking vegetables
Cook all vegetables in a covered container.
Cooking fish