Operators Manual

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Throttle Control
The throttle lever changes the speed of the
engine. Move the throttle lever to FAST (rabbit)
to increase engine speed. Move the lever to
SLOW (turtle) to decrease engine speed.
Operator Presence Levers
The operator presence control lever must be
pressed to operate the PTO or traction drive.
When the shift lever or PTO is engaged,
releasing the operator presence control lever
stops the engine.
Choke Control
Use the choke control to start a cold engine.
Pull the control out to choke the engine. Push
the control in when the engine gets warm.
Shift Lever
The shift lever sets the direction and speed of
the unit.
R = Reverse
N = Neutral
= the slowest forward speed
= the fastest forward speed.
PTO Clutch
Pull the PTO (power take off) switch UP to
engage the mower blades.
Push the PTO switch DOWN to disengage the
mower blades.
Service Meter
Measures the number of hours the engine has
been run.
Recoil Starter Grip
Pull the recoil starter handle to start the
Fuel Tank
Use regular grade unleaded fuel with an
octane rating of 87 octane or higher. Fuel
blends containing up to 10% ethanol or up to
15% MTBE reformulated fuel are acceptable.
Do not use fuel or additives containing
methanol as engine damage can occur.
Always use fresh, clean fuel that is purchased
in a quantity that can be used within
approximately 30 days, or add fuel stabilizer.
Fuel is blended to give best seasonal
performance. To avoid engine performance
problems such as hard starting or vapor lock,
use in-season fuel. Use fuel during warm
weather that was purchased during that
season, and use fuel during cold weather that
was purchased during that season.
Fuel can become stale in machines with
engines that are used seasonally or
infrequently during a season. Stale fuel
can produce varnish and plug carburetor
components which can affect engine
Keep fuel storage container tightly covered
and in a cool area out of direct sunlight. Fuel
can break down and degrade if not sealed
properly or exposed to sun and heat.
Condensation may collect in the fuel
tank because of a variety of operating or
environmental conditions and, over time, may
affect your machine’s operation. Fill fuel tank
at the end of daily use and store fuel in plastic
containers to reduce condensation.
For best year-round performance and fuel
handling, add stabilizer to fuel immediately
after fuel purchase. Such practice helps
prevent engine performance problems and
allows fuel storage in the machine all year
without draining.
Adding fuel
1. Move the unit to an open area.
2. Stop the engine and allow engine to cool.
3. Clean the fuel cap and the area around
the fuel cap to prevent dirt from entering
the fuel tank.
4. Remove the cap from the fuel tank and fill
the fuel tank. Do not overfill. Avoid spills.
5. Reinstall the cap on the fuel tank and
6. Clean up any spilled fuel before starting
the engine.
WARNING! Fuel is highly flammable
and its vapors are explosive. Handle with
care. Use an approved fuel container.
NO smoking, NO sparks, NO flames.
ALWAYS allow engine to cool before
servicing. NEVER fill fuel tank when engine
is running or hot from operation. NEVER fill
or drain fuel tank indoors. Replace fuel cap
securely and clean up spilled fuel.