User's Manual

PermaNetPlus LLC
The PermaNetPlus LLC (Leak Location & Correlation) software is an addition to the
PermaNetPlus software which uses the data obtained by the loggers to determine
where a possible leak is. This section will outline the basics of the software and how
to interpret the results.
In order for the LLC to function accordingly, recordings and data must have been
downloaded from the loggers prior to opening and running the software. Without the
data, the software will not be able to implement the loggers’ data.
Main Screen
On opening the LLC, a new untitled project will automatically open. If it does not,
click on File -> New.
Importing Sound Data
To import data to cross correlate, click on Tools -> Import.
Select the data to import, and click Open. Multiple files may be selected by holding
down the Ctrl key and selecting the files.