User's Manual

6.O5 Historical Reports- Chemical Usage (continued)
By clicking Export As, a professional report in PDF format can be generated and downloaded, showing the Daily Chemical
Usage Summary (bar or line style) and the Monthly Chemical Usage Summary (bar or line style).
6.O6 Historical Reports- Cost Summary
The Cost Summary report tab shows the cost associated with the chemical usage at a site. The data can be displayed as a
table or a bar chart by toggling the View By selector on the upper right-hand side of the table/chart.
When displayed as a table, the Cost Summary report shows the total number of racks run over the period, the absolute cost
of the chemical used, and the cost per rack. The cost totals are further broken down into Initial Charge Costs and Dosing
Costs to allow the user to see what activities are contributing most to the overall chemical cost.
When displayed as a bar chart, the Cost Summary graphically displays the Initial Charge and Dosing Costs incurred during
the period. The bar chart can be toggled between Absolute Cost or Cost Per Rack.
6.OO Hydro Connect reporting (continued)