Safety Information

GPS Location: Tap
GPS Location and select Off or On. With this feature turned on, your
geographic location will be recorded when you take a photo.
Picture Size: Tap Picture size and select the picture resolution. A photo of higher resolution
consumes more storage.
Picture Quality: Tap
Picture quality and select the quality as Low, Standard, or High.
Storage: Tap
Storage and select Phone or SD Card to store the pictures you take. The pictures
are stored in the terminal by default.
Continuous Shot: Tap
Continuous Shot and select On or Off. The Continuous Shot feature
allows you to continuously take a number of photos when you tap and hold .
Redeye Reduction: Tap
Redeye Reduction and select Disable or Enable. With this feature
enabled, the camera automatically removes the redeye effect from the photo when you
photograph a person in dim light.