User's Manual

W hen the EQ features of an exter-
nal device, su ch as the iPod
, and
the audio sy stem are both active,
E Q effects could overlap and
cause sound deterioration and dis-
W henever possible, turn off the
EQ feature w ithin the external
device upon use by connecting
with the audio sy stem .
•Noise m ay occur when an iPod
AUX device is connected. When
su ch d evices are not being used,
disconnect the device for storage.
W hen the iPod
or AUX device
pow er is con nected to the pow er
jack, playing the external device
m ay resu lt in noise. In su ch cases,
disconnect the pow er connection
before use.
Skipping or im p rop er op eration
m ay occu r depending on the char-
acteristics of your iPod
•If your iPhone
is connected to
b o th th e B luetooth
Technology and U SB , the sound
m ay not be properly played. In
your iPhone
, select the Dock con-
nector or B luetooth
Technology to change the sound
output (source).
•iPod m ode cannot be operated
when the iPod
cannot be recog-
nized du e to versions that do not
support com m unication protocols.
•For fifth generation iPod
devices, the iPod
m ay not be rec-
ognized w hen the battery level is
low . Please ch arge the iPod
•Search/play orders show n w ithin
the iPod
device m ay differ w ith
the orders sh ow n within the audio
system .
•If the iPod
malfunctions due to an
device defect, reset the iPod
and try again. (To learn more, refer
to your iPod
m anual)
Som e iPod
s m ay not syn c with the
System depending on its version.
If the Media is rem oved before the
Media is recognized, then the sy s-
tem m ay not p roperly restore the
previously operated m ode. (iPad
charging is not supported.)
Multimedia System
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