User's Manual

D o not stare at the screen
while driving. Staring at the
screen for prolonged periods
of tim e could lead to tra ffic
D o not disassem ble, assem -
ble, or m odify the audio sys-
tem . Such acts could result in
accidents, fire , or electric
•Using the phone w hile driving
may lead to a lack of attention of
tra ffic conditions and increase
the likelihood of accidents.
U se the phone feature after
parking the vehicle.
H eed caution not to spill water
or introduce foreign objects
into the device. Such acts
could lead to sm oke, fire , or
product malfunction.
O perating the device w hile driv-
ing could lead to accidents due
to a lack of attention to external
surroundings. Firs t park the
vehicle before operating the
•Adjust the volum e to levels that
allow the driver to hear sounds
from outside of the vehicle.
Driving in a state w here exter-
nal sounds cannot be heard
may lead to accidents.
•Pay attention to the volum e
setting w hen turning the
device on. A sudden output of
extre m e v o lum e upon turning
the device on could lead to
hearing impairm e n t. (Adjust
the volum e to a suitable levels
before turning off the device.)
(C ontinued)
(C ontinued)
•Do not place beverages close
to the audio system . Spilling
beverages may lead to system
•In case of product malfunction,
please contact your place of
purchase or A fter S ervice cen-
•Placing the audio system
with in an electrom agnetic
environm ent m ay result in
noise interference.
Prevent caustic solutions
such as perfum e and cosm et-
ic oil from contacting the
dashboard because they m ay
cause dam age or discol-
Multimedia System
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