User's Manual

Features of your vehicle
Changing connection sequence
This is used to change the order (pri-
ority) of automatic connection for the
paired mobile phones.
Select [Phone List] Select [Priority]
through TUNE knob Select No. 1
Priority mobile phone
Select [Priority].
From the paired phones, select
the phone desired for No.1 priority.
The changed priority sequence is
Once the connection sequence
(priority) is changed, the new no. 1
priority mobile phone will be con-
- when the no. 1 priority cannot be
connected: Automatically attempts
to connect the most recently con-
nected phone.
- Cases when the most recently
connected phone cannot be con-
nected: Attempts to connect in the
order in which paired phones are
- The connected phone will auto-
matically be changed to No. 1 pri-
Select [Phone List] Select mobile
phone through TUNE knob
Select [Delete]
Select the desired mobile phone.
Delete the selected mobile phone.
Deletion completion is displayed.
When attempting to delete a cur-
rently connected phone, the phone
is first disconnected.
Phone book Download
This feature is used to download
phone book and call histories into
the audio system.
Select [Phone book Download]
Select through TUNE knob
When you delete a mobile
phone, the mobile phone
phone book will also be erased.
For stable Bluetooth
Technology communication,
delete the mobile phone from
the audio and also delete the
audio from your mobile phone.
The download feature may not
be supported in some mobile
If a different operation is per-
formed while phone book is
being downloaded, download-
ing will be discontinued.
Phone book already down-
loaded will be saved.
When downloading new phone
book, delete all previously
saved phone book before start-
ing download.