
Wide View Displays
Wide view displays are characterized by their special aspect
ratio whose height is less than half of its width. This brings the
benefit that the wide view displays will fit into places where
displays with a regular height can’t be installed. For example
into the space between door and ceiling as well as installa-
tions in metros and trams are practical locations where these
solutions are used as signage or advertising displays.
Optical Bonding Displays
For installations in environments with brightest lightning condi-
tions even bright sunlight HYUNDAI IT provides special dis-
plays which are based on the optical bonding technique. This leads
to the advantage that glare and reflection on the screens are re-
duced to a minimum while brightness is increased at the same
Due to a special coating the screens are protected against UV ra-
diation, too. A digital signage screen behind a shop window which
is regarded from the outdoor area is a typical application field for
this special solution.
Advantages of optical Bonding
Increases outdoor visibility (sunlight readability) as much as 400%
Ensures a 99% penetration rate
Improves contrast ratio
300% increased against shocks and scratches
Prevents glass fogging
Superb endurance against temperature changes and dust
Transflective Displays
The transflective displays technology contains a combination
of both the conventional backlight transmissive mode as well
as reflective mode characteristics. Depending on the ambient
light conditions the advantage of either one or the other mode
guarantees the readability of the screen contents at any time.
By using the rear reflector, sunlight reflections increase the dis-
play’s brightness. In case of darker ambient light conditions the
backlight ensures the required display brightness. By the use of
the ambient light for increasing the brightness, the power con-
sumption of the backlight will be reduced and less heat is gen-
erated. This leads to a longer lifetime of the display in the end.
All-In-One Displays
HYUNDAI IT’s all-in-one displays are combining public display
and built-in player functionality. Being equipped with a built-in
PC, a network player or a multi media player (MMP), these
all-in-one displays enable easy installations without any ad-
ditional AV equipment.
Indoor Public Displays | Special Solutions
Regular Optical Bonding