
Part 1Chemical information
Chemical Chinese name 润滑油
Chemical English name lubricating oil
Chinese name2 机油
Chinese name2 Lube oil
Technical description code 1279
Molecular formula
Molecular volume 230-500
Part 2:Hazardous description
Healthy hazard If you take an acute inhalation of it,you may become lacking in strength,dizzy,headache
and full of nausea,even get oleaginous pneumonia seriously.For a chronic contact
person,he will be with acne oil and contact dermatitis.Furthermore,it will bring about
neurasthenic syndrome,breathing tube and eye-stimulated illness as well as chronic
oleaginous pneumonia.It is reported that there exists cancer cases that workers who often
contact such petroleum and lubricating oil.
Environmental hazard
Flammable and explosive
Combustive by itself
Part 3First aid measures
Skin contact Take off contaminated dress,flush your skin with a large number of flowing water and see a
Eye contact Raise your eyelid,flush your eyes with flowing clear water and normal saline then see a
Ingestion Drink enough warm water,emetic and see a doctor.
Part 4Fire fighting measures
Hazardous features Flammable if caught in open fire and high temperature.
Harmful production of
Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
Extinguishment methods All the fire fighters should wear gas masks and full body of fire fighting clothing and put
out the fire at the upper hand.Remove the oil container from fire field to open space if
possible.Keep the containers in the fire field cold by spraying water until finishing the
extinguishment.We must withdraw immediately if the containers in the fire field have
discoloured or produce sound from safe pressure relief device.Extinguishant:foggy
water,foam,dry powders carbon dioxide and sandy soil.
Part 5Leakage emergent response
Emergent reponse Personnels are withdrawn from leakage contaminated area to safety area and execute an
isolation to limit entry and exit strictly.Cut out fire source and advise persons who deal with
an emergency to wear self-supporting and positive pressure breathing apparatuses and gas
protection clothing.Cut out the leakage source to prevent from flowing into sewers and
draining floods channel or like such limited space.A small quantity of leakage:Absorbed by
sandy soil or other non-flammable materials.A large quantity of leakage:Build surrounding
embankments or dig holes to take in it.Transfer it to lorries or special containers and reclaim
it or make a disposal by carrying it to recycling center.

Summary of content (2 pages)