Operation Manual

Convenient features of your vehicle
To adjust the Zone setting:
1.Determine the desired Zone
Number based upon your current
location on the Zone Map.
2. Press and hold the button for
more than 3 but less than 6 sec-
onds, the current Zone Number
will appear on the display.
3. Pressing and holding the button
again will cause the numbers to
increment (Note: they will repeat
…13, 14, 15, 1, 2, …). Releasing
the button when the desired Zone
Number appears on the display
will set the new Zone.
4.Within about 5 seconds the com-
pass will start displaying a com-
pass heading again.
There are some conditions that can
cause changes to the vehicle mag-
nets, such as installing a ski rack or
a CB antenna. Body repair work on
the vehicle can also cause changes
to the vehicle's magnetic field. In
these situations, the compass will
need to be re-calibrated to quickly
correct these changes.
If you need to recalibrate the com-
1. Press and hold the button for
more than 6 seconds. When the
compass memory is cleared a "C"
will appear in the display.
2. Drive the vehicle in 2 complete cir-
cles at less than 5 mph (8 km/h).
Integrated HomeLink
Control System
The HomeLink
Wireless Control
System can replace up to three hand-
held radio-frequency (RF) transmit-
ters with a single built-in device. This
innovative feature will learn the radio
frequency codes of most current
transmitters to operate devices such
as gate operators, garage door open-
ers, entry door locks, security sys-
tems, even home lighting. Both stan-
dard and rolling code-equipped trans-
mitters can be programmed by fol-
lowing the outlined procedures.
Additional HomeLink
can be found at: www.homelink.com
or by calling 1-800-355-3515.
Retain the original transmitter of the
RF device you are programming for
use in other vehicles as well as for
future HomeLink
programming. It is
also suggested that upon the sale of
the vehicle, the programmed
buttons be erased for
security purposes.