Operation Manual

Convenient features of your vehicle
Sunroof open warming
If the driver removes the ignition key
(Smart key :turns off the engine) and
opens the driver’s side door when
the sunroof is not fully closed, the
warning chime will sound for approx-
imately 7 seconds and
- Type A : Sunroof Open Warning
Light will illuminate or blink for
approximately 7 seconds.
- Type B : Sunroof Open image will
appear on the LCD display.
Close the sunroof securely when
leaving your vehicle.
Roller blind
Open and close the roller blind man-
ually using the handle (1).
Always open the roller blind before
opening or closing the sunroof.
You may see wrinkles on the roller
blind. It is normal because of its
material characteristic.
Type BType A
Use the handle when opening
and closing the roller blind. If
the handle is not used, it may
cause misalignment or damage.