Operation Manual

Convenient features of your vehicle
Closing the hood
1. Before closing the hood, check the
All filler caps in the engine com-
partment must be correctly
Gloves, rags or any other com-
bustible material must be
removed from the engine com-
2. Return the support rod to its clip to
prevent it from rattling.
3. Lower the hood halfway and push
down to securely lock in place.
Then double check to be sure the
hood is secure.
Before closing the hood,
ensure all obstructions are
removed from around the
hood opening.
Always double check that the
hood is firmly latched before
driving away. If it is not
latched, the hood could open
while the vehicle is being driv-
en, causing a total loss of vis-
ibility,which might result in an
Do not move the vehicle with
the hood in the raised posi-
tion, as vision is obstructed,
which might result in an acci-
dent, and the hood could fall
or be damaged.