Operation Manual

Driving your vehicle
Driving through water
Try to avoid driving in deep stand-
ing water. It may stall your engine
and clog your exhaust pipes.
If you need to drive in water, stop
your vehicle, set the vehicle in
AWD LOCK mode and drive under
5mph (8 km/h).
Do not change gear while driving in
Additional driving conditions
• Become familiar with the off-road
conditions before driving.
Always pay attention when driving
off-road and avoid dangerous
Drive slowly when driving in heavy
• Reduce vehicle speed when cor-
nering. The center of gravity of
AWD vehicles is higher than con-
ventional 2WD vehicles, making
them more likely to roll over when
you rapidly turn corners.
Always hold the steering wheel
firmly when you are driving off-
Always drive slowly in water. If
you drive too fast, water may
get into the engine compart-
ment and wet the ignition sys-
tem causing your vehicle to
suddenly stop.
Do not grab the inside of the
steering wheel when you are
driving off-road. You may hurt
your arm by a sudden steering
maneuver or from steering
wheel rebound due to an impact
with objects on the ground.You
could lose control of the steer-
ing wheel that may lead to seri-
ous injury or death.