User Manual

I.D. Systems, Inc. One University Plaza, Hackensack, NJ 07601 000-0144-01
Tel: 201-996-9000; Fax 201-996-9144; email: Page 15 of 41
When in range of IDS Gateways, the VAC will:
Display an ‘in-range’ indicator, letting the driver know that information can currently be
Send any stored data, verifying receipt through a robust confirmation process
Synchronize with the most up-to-date access control information (add, delete or modify
authorized driver information)
Receive any updates to vehicle settings, such as battery and impact thresholds, or OSHA
Update the vehicle’s location, and, if necessary, send a location update to the system
General Operation
Three different groups of operators will interact with the VAC – the standard driver, the Master User
driver, and the maintenance/installation user.
The standard driver will perform certain basic functions with the VAC (for Standard Driver Instructions,
see Basic Operation: LCD, Keypad, ID Reader on page 16). These features are:
Logging onto the vehicle to gain access
o Identifying himself/herself using an ID (either by typing the ID or through an ID device)
o Verifying his/her identity using a PIN (if required)
Logging off of the vehicle prior to leaving the vehicle unattended
Answering OSHA-required safety questions
Reading, responding to, and deleting pages (optional)
Identifying low vehicle battery condition
The Master User driver can perform the same basic functions with the VAC (For Master User
Instructions, see Granting Temporary Access (Master Users) on page on page 33), as well as:
Logging onto all vehicles
Granting temporary access to a currently unauthorized standard driver
The Maintenance/Installation User can perform the same functions as a Master User driver as well as
VAC configuration (For Maintenance Instructions, see Error! Reference source not found. on page
Error! Bookmark not defined.). The additional features include:
Assigning the Vehicle ID to the VAC
Enabling and disabling access control
Configuring the VAC sensors for motion sensing, lift sensing, and battery sensing