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Chapter 3
If you feel the IRISPen should not only read but also talk, your problems are
over! The “Read & Speak” speech synthesis as integrated in the IRISPen Ex-
ecutive and the IRISPen Translator brings spectacular new applications to all
IRISPen owners.
Where the IRISPen is by definition a “hands- and eyes-busy” data entry de-
vice, text-to-speech provides clear, natural sounding auditive feedback of all
recognized data.
When you are scanning bar codes, figures and structured character strings
such as bank statements, telephone and social security numbers, precision and
speed are of major importance. Text-to-speech reduces the need to read infor-
mation on the computer screen to a minimum, you can go ahead and scan without
hardly looking up to the screen to verify the result. Encode addresses and your
sound card will pronounce them, enter figures into a spreadsheet or encoding
utility, enter invoices into your bookkeeping software and the IRISPen Executive
software reads the figures aloud for verification.
Secondly, the speech feature opens a world of multimedia applications to the
IRISPen Executive users. You could for instance scan a text and “proofread” it
at the same time.
With the IRISPen Translator, speech synthesis has a special meaning: to learn
how to speak a language, you can just scan a text and hear the PC pronounce
the words!
Summing up, your IRISPen uses a truly human way of interfacing. After all,
isn’t speech the most natural way of interacting with a machine?
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