
6 - 5
There is an alternative way of selecting the bar code and handprinting reading
modes. Unless bar code reading is already enabled as secondary reading mode
with the option "Bar Codes" in the IRISPen application window, clicking on the
"Bar Codes" or "Handprinting" button on the toolbar defines settings and selects
the corresponding reading mode at the same time.
When bar codes and handprinted symbols are read, the language selection in
the application window does not apply. Nor do the text-related commands - de-
tection of table frames, character subsets and conversions etc.
The reading modes of the IRISPen Executive can be complemented by bar
code reading as secondary reading mode with the option "Bar Codes" in the
IRISPen application window.
The user can define a shortcut key with the command "Hotkeys" under the
"Settings" menu and program the single or double click of the pen button with the
"Pen Button" button on the toolbar to switch from one reading mode to another.
Indicates the language of the text to be recognized.
Recognition by the IRISPen is not limited to English: 55 languages are sup-
ported! All American and European languages are supported, including the East-
ern-European languages, Greek and Cyrillic. (The British and American - or
should we say “international”? - variants of the English language are distinguished.
The same goes for Spanish and Mexican.)
7chapter6.p65 2/16/2001, 3:29 PM5