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Related Commands
The option "Translate Clipboard" under the "Options" menu allows the user to
translate texts copied to the clipboard - text entered on the keyboard,
wordprocessor files, mail messages received in a foreign language, Internet pages
displayed with a web browser etc.
Dot Matrix (IRISPen Executive)
Determines whether the user recognizes “normal” or dot matrix printed docu-
Setting this parameter correctly is mandatory: “draft” or “9 pin” dot matrix
symbols are made up of isolated, separate dots, and highly specialized recognition
routines are required to recognize them.
“Letter quality” dot matrix printing, also called “25 pin” or “NLQ” dot matrix,
does not requires the enabling of this option. Nor do the printing qualities typeset,
typewritten, laser printed and inkjet printed.
Bar Codes (IRISPen Executive)
Enables a mixed reading mode where bar codes are read alongside data of
another type. The user can for instance scan bar codes and “normal” text with-
out changing the reading mode.
The parameter "Reading Mode" in the IRISPen application window deter-
mines the primary reading mode, this option determines whether read bar codes
are read at the same time.
Output Target
Indicates where the text result will be placed: recognized data can be inserted
directly in the active application or transferred to the clipboard for later pasting.
Normally, the recognized data gets sent to the active Windows application.
The clipboard can only contain the recognition result text of the last scan -
with the understanding that several lines can be “buffered” when the multiline
reading mode is enabled!
7chapter6.p65 2/16/2001, 3:29 PM10