
6 - 15
Related Command
The user can also quit the IRISPen application with the command "Exit" under
the "File" menu.
The greyscale image window displays the “raw” greyscale images as they
are generated by the pen scanner.
Scanning in greyscale is in some instances necessary to obtain good OCR
results. When text is printed on a color background, scanning in color may create
the tone differences that are lacking in black-and-white images. When there is
only limited contrast between the text and the background, the background can
create “noise” that renders the recognition difficult or impossible! Think for in-
stance of black text printed on a dark background: when scanning such a docu-
ment in black-and-white, the user would not be able to “drop” the background
color without losing the text information as well.
Related Commands
The user can enable the greyscale image window by right-clicking the IRISPen
control and selecting the command "Greyscale Image", and by selecting the com-
mand "Greyscale Image" under the "Options" menu.
The scan test mode displays a black-and-white version of the greyscale im-
ages generated by the pen scanner alongside the reading results, and allows ad-
vanced image adjustment to improve the reading results. The user can enable the
scan test mode by right-clicking the IRISPen control on the Windows taskbar and
selecting the command "Scan Test", by clicking the "Scan Test" button on the
toolbar and by selecting the command "Scan Test" under the "Options" menu.
7chapter6.p65 2/16/2001, 3:29 PM15