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click the "Copy" button of the translation window to make it disappear. The "Copy"
button copies the translation to the clipboard: the translation window disappears
as there is no further need to display it on-screen.
The "Copy" button allows the user to transfer the translated text to other
windows via the clipboard. The user can paste the translation in the same win-
dow as the one where the scanned text is placed to study the foreign sentences
and their meaning comfortably later on. He can also insert the translation in a
different window to save the original text and its translation in separate files.
When the clipboard translation is enabled with the option "Translate Clipboard"
under the "Options" menu, the translation window displays the "Translate Clip-
board?" button as soon as text is copied to the clipboard. (Graphics that are
copied to the clipboard are simply ignored.) This button is clicked to generate a
translation for the contents of the clipboard.
The IRISPen Translator has sufficient linguistic intelligence to translate ab-
breviations, normalized character strings such as "1st" and phrases consisting of
several words such as "state of mind" (état d’esprit), "take away" (wegnehmen)
However, the user should be aware that computer-aided translation gives an
imperfect first draft, an “information-only” translation. Should a translation be
published, it will need to be refined by a human translator. The IRISPen Transla-
tor should be used to translate business-like, non-emotive language as computers
do not cope well with connotation, metaphor and irony. Literature, poetry and
some advertizing literature do not translate well, and often lead to humorous ef-
The toolbar provides immediate access to all frequently used commands.
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