
6 - 24
Furthermore, the pen button makes it easier to insert the scanned text at the
right location. When data is entered in a database, the <Tab> key can be assigned
to the pen button to move the cursor to the next field.
One application is encoding addresses from business cards, brochures, cata-
logs etc. collected during a trade show in a database. Depending on the ad-
dresses, some fields will be skipped. For some addresses, the country will be
added, and for others, it won’t, some contacts have an e-mail address while
others don’t etc. To encode these data efficiently, the single pen button click is
programmed as <Tab>, even though <Tab> already functions as ending code.
The suffix <Tab> moves the cursor to the next field automatically, and the pen
button is clicked once when a database field should be skipped. To start a new
record when an address was completed, the user normally clicks a button with
his mouse, but given the pen button, he can program the double click to corre-
spond to that button’s shortcut.
To encode forms with an address (alphanumeric data) and coded numbers
(numeric data) where the data must be distributed among different database
fields, the single button can be used to move the cursor to a new database field
and the double button click to toggle between the alphanumeric and numeric
reading mode.
To encode data in a spreadsheet where no vertical bars separate the columns,
the figures are read one by one and the single click is programmed as <Tab> to
move the cursor to the next cell, the double click is programmed as
<Home><Cursor Down> to move the cursor to the next row.
When data of varying nature - printed or typed text, printed and handprinted
numerals - is mixed on the page, the pen button can be programmed to switch
reading modes. When the user has selected "Alphanumeric" as his reading mode
and he clicks the pen button, the IRISPen switches to the mode "Bar Codes".
When he clicks a few times more, he switches to "Black-and-White Bitmap to
Clipboard", "Greyscale Bitmap to Clipboard", "Handprinting", "Numeric" and back
to "Alphanumeric".
(Switching from one reading mode to another is superfluous to read bar codes
alongside data of another type: the option "Bar Codes" in the IRISPen application
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