
6 - 33
The “hands- and eyes-busy” activity of reading bar codes can be combined
with auditive feedback by enabling the "Speech" button on the toolbar.
Bar code settings are included in the IRISPen settings. The command "Save
Settings" under the "File" menu and terminating the software with the option
"Save Settings on Exit" enabled, include the selected values in the IRISPen set-
Handprinting (IRISPen Executive)
Enables the handprinting reading mode and defines the handprinting settings.
The handprinting reading mode can also be selected in the IRISPen applica-
tion window. When this button is clicked, the user is simultaneously given access
to the handprinting settings.
The user is given full control over spacing and rejection levels.
Segmentation determines whether the characters are well spaced or contigu-
ous. With spaced handprinting, each character is distinctly separated from the
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