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others. With contiguous spacing, the space between two characters is consider-
ably reduced. Some characters may occassionally touch each other and the zones
covered by a single character may overlap.
It is mandatory to set this parameter correctly. When contiguous handprinting
is read with the segmentation set to spaced, some characters may be skipped by
the system. With contiguous printing, broken characters may be misread as double
An easy way of guaranteeing spaced printing is the use of forms where the
individual numerals must be placed in predefined blocks. To ensure that these
predefines zones are not picked up by the IRISPen, the invisible or “drop out”
colors red and yellow should be used.
A slider bar allows to adjust the rejection level. When the rejection threshold is
increased, characters will result in unknown symbols quicker, there will be less
substitutions; when the rejection rate is decreased, the system will substitute more
symbols as it tries harder to find a match.
For applications where extreme accuracy is essential, a high rejection level
should be maintained. When structured character strings such as client numbers,
product codes etc. are encoded, it is useful to incorporate a check digit which is
verified by the encoding utility.
Handprinting recognition is limited to the numerals and the symbols , (comma),
. (dot) and - (hyphen).
When handprinted and other data are mixed on the page, the user can switch
reading modes by defining a hotkey with the command "Hotkeys" under the "Set-
tings" menu or program the pen button to this end with the "Pen Button" button on
the toolbar.
The “hands- and eyes-busy” activity of reading handprinting can be combined
with auditive feedback by enabling the "Speech" button on the toolbar. The speech
feature incorporates intelligent routines that allow it to recognize telephone num-
bers, bank account and social security numbers, dates etc. When bank account
numbers are read, short pauses are inserted where a dash occurs, when tele-
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