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modes from within the active application. (To combine a reading mode with bar
code reading, a mixed reading mode can be enabled with the option "Bar Codes"
in the IRISPen application window.)
When the user has selected "Alphanumeric" as his reading mode and he clicks
the pen button, the IRISPen switches to the mode "Bar Codes". When he clicks
a few times more, he switches to "Black-and-White Bitmap to Clipboard",
"Greyscale Bitmap to Clipboard", "Handprinting", "Numeric" and back to "Alpha-
numeric". Possible applications are documents where different data types are
mixed on the page.
For the IRISPen Executive and the IRISPen Translator, a hotkey is available
for the speech repetition. Pressing the programmed hotkey from within the active
application “replays” the pronunciation of the last sentence or paragraph.
Related Commands
Hotkey programming can also be enabled by loading IRISPen settings with
the command "Open Settings" under the "File" menu.
The user can program the pen button to switch from one reading mode to
another with the "Pen Button" button on the toolbar.
The parameter "Reading Mode" in the IRISPen application window deter-
mines what kind of data is read, the option "Bar Codes" determine whether read
bar codes are read at the same time. The user then enables a mixed reading
mode where bar codes are read alongside data of another type. (This option is
limited to the IRISPen Executive.)
Speech repetition is also available by either right-clicking the "Speech" button
or by clicking the command "Repeat Speech" under the "Options" menu. (This
command is limited to the IRISPen Executive and the IRISPen Translator.)
Pen Button
Refer to the "Pen Button" button on the toolbar.
Refer to the "Alignment" button on the toolbar.
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