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Left-Handed Scanning
This option adjusts the scanning direction for left-handed users.
By default, the pen scanner is operated from left to right, but with this option
enabled, the pen scanner is ruled over the text from right to left. This only works
when the pen scanner is held rotated by 180° so that the pen button faces to-
wards the user, while the document itself retains its normal orientation. The soft-
ware “recomposes” a correct image by rotating it by 180°.
Alternatively, when the page and the pen scanner are rotated by 180°, the
option "Left-Handed Scanning" can be disabled but the user can still scan right-
The enabling of left-handed scanning is indicated in the status window. It is
disabled by default.
Related Command
The right-to-left scanning direction can also be enabled by loading IRISPen
settings with the command "Open Settings" under the "File" menu.
Negative Image
Inverses the scanned image.
The image in the greyscale image window is left untouched. The inversion is
only visible in the black-and-white image: black “pixels” become white, white
pixels become black. As a result, light data on a dark background becomes leg-
This scanning mode can also be used to generate “negative”, inverted graph-
ics (sent to the clipboard or saved in a graphic file).
The enabling of image inversion is indicated in the status window.
Related Command
The image inversion can also be enabled by loading IRISPen settings with the
command "Open Settings" under the "File" menu.
7chapter6.p65 2/16/2001, 3:29 PM48