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Status Window
Refer to the command "Status Window" on the IRISPen control on the Win-
dows taskbar.
Save Settings on Exit
This option guarantees that the current settings are saved as default settings
when the user quits the IRISPen software. These settings will be loaded into
memory at the next startup.
The default settings are saved in the file DEFAULT.IPC. When this file is
erased, the factory settings apply.
Settings files contain all operational parameters: the reading mode, the docu-
ment language, the target language for the translation (IRISPen Translator),
whether dot matrix reading mode (IRISPen Executive) and the mixed reading
mode with secondary bar code reading is enabled (IRISPen Executive), the out-
put target, whether the multiline reading mode is enabled (IRISPen Executive
and IRISPen Translator), the programming of pen button clicks and hotkeys,
table frame and character conversions, the output subset, alignment options (in-
cluding starting and ending codes), the bar code and handprinting settings (IRISPen
Executve), whether the speech synthesis (IRISPen Executive and IRISPen Trans-
lator) or system sound is enabled, whether the clipboard translation (IRISPen
Translator), the left-handed scanning and the image inversion are enabled.
Related Command
The command "Open Settings" from the "File" menu loads specific IRISPen
The "Register" menu allows the user to register his software licence.
Registration Wizard
Starts the registration wizard.
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