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IRISPen Standard
q a 486 based Intel PC or compatible. A Pentium based PC is recom-
q 50 MB hard disk space. 40 MB of disk space suffices when the elec-
tronic manual is left on the CD-ROM
q the Windows ME, 2000 or 98 operating system
q a free USB port to connect the IRISPen scanner
q a 256 color monitor to display the greyscale images generated by the
greyscale pen scanner
IRISPen Executive
q a 486 based Intel PC or compatible. A Pentium based PC is recom-
q 60 MB hard disk space. 50 MB of disk space suffices when the elec-
tronic manual is left on the CD-ROM
q the Windows ME, 2000 or 98 operating system
q a free USB port to connect the IRISPen scanner
q the speech synthesis feature requires that your PC is equipped with a
Windows compatible sound card. For quality sound, preference is given
to a 64-bit sound card
IRISPen Translator
q a 486 based Intel PC or compatible. A Pentium based PC is recom-
q 80 MB hard disk space. 70 MB of disk space suffices when the elec-
tronic manual is left on the CD-ROM
q the Windows ME, 2000 or 98 operating system
q a free USB port to connect the IRISPen scanner
q the speech synthesis feature requires that your PC is equipped with a
Windows compatible sound card. For quality sound, preference is given
to a 64-bit sound card