
B - 8
When more than two digits occur after the decimal point, these are pronounced
digit by digit.
104.2 5.25 5.151
All cardinal numbers from 1 to 999 followed by
are pronounced as
ordinal numbers. So are all cardinal numbers of up to 15 digits that start with
a digit other than zero and are followed by
. Periods may be used to
separate groups of three digits.
Depending on the context, the Roman numbers will be pronounced as ordi-
nal numbers in male and female form or as cardinal numbers.
Rainha Elisabete II Rainha Elissabete Segunda
Capítulo XX Capítulo vigésimo
Século XXI Século vinte e um
Telephone Numbers
The following formats are supported for telephone numbers: telephone num-
bers with an optional operator code and a country code, telephone numbers
with an optional operator code and an area code, telephone numbers preceded
by the abbreviation "t", "tel", "telef", "fone" and "fax".
The operator code, the country code and the area code may be surrounded by
parentheses; they may also be separated using a hyphen or a space. A hyphen
or a space can also separate the last four digits of the telephone number.
Don’t change the type of separator within a telephone number!
tel. 6941 2786 fone 550-2812 011 6942 5781
(015) (32) 950-2742 0015-1-212-555-7781
Dates are recognized in a number of formats. The day precedes the month.
The day and the month are composed of one or two digits, the year of two or
four digits. When the year is indicated by two digits, it may be preceded by a
quote. The digit groups are separated by a slash or a hyphen.
08-02-'99 16/05/2000