
B - 9
Dates can also be specified in “written”, alphabetic formats.
8 jul. 98 30 abril 2000
Time Indications
Time indications are recognized when one of the following formats is respected.
Hours only
One or two digits are used for the hour which is followed by "h" or "hs" (with-
out a space).
06h 12hs
Hours and minutes
One or two digits are used for the hour followed by "h" (without a space); two
digits are used for the minutes followed by "min" (without a space).
6h32min 23hl0min
One or two digits are used for the hour followed by a colon or period; two
digits are used for the minutes followed by "h", "hs", "min", "am" or "pm".
2:30 min 10.30am 12:00hs
One or two digits are used for the hour followed by a colon; two digits are
used for the minutes.
23:55 8:30
Hours, minutes and seconds
Durations are indicated by adding a third group of digits. Use two digits for
the seconds and use a colon to separate the digit groups.
21:00:32 9:23:43
A wide range of currencies is recognized: R$, Cr$, NCr$, Cz$, US$, $ G/,
Ur$, Euro, Eur and ¥. The currencty symbol must precede the numeral (with-
out a space).
US$40 R$30,25 Cr$3.000,00