
B - 12
4,567th Four thousand five hundred and sixty seventh
Roman numbers are also pronounced as ordinal numbers. (The symbols I, V
and X in isolation are not identified as ordinal numbers.)
XX Twentieth
Digit strings composed of up to 3 digits, a slash and up to 5 digits are pro-
nounced as fractions.
1/3 to 1/2 One over three to one half
3/2 Three halves
123/45678 One hundred and twenty-three over forty-five
thousand six hundred and seventy eight
Telephone Numbers
Telephone numbers are read digit by digit. A space, a period, a slash or a
hyphen is used to separate digit groups. The first digit group can be surrounded
by parentheses and will be preceded by the words "area code".
(617) 932 9209 Area code six one seven nine three two nine two zero...
(564) 123.4567 Area code five six four one two three four five six...
65/234/5678 Area code six five two three four five six seven eight
75-234-5678 Area code seven five two three four five six seven...
If the first digit group is 800 or 900, it is pronounced as one number.
800 123 4567 Eight hundred one two three four five six seven
International telephone formats are recognized too. The first digit group is
preceded by the words "country code" and pronounced as one number. The
rest of the telephone number is read digit by digit.
+49 (228) 550-381 Country code forty-nine area code double two eight...
+30 61 997 283 Country code thirty area code six one double nine...
(33) 183 447-593 Country code thirty-three area code one eight three...