
B - 13
Bank Account Numbers
Bank account numbers are pronounced digit by digit when hyphens separate
the digit groups.
000-1234564-87 049-65-5432
Dates are recognized in the European format: the day precedes the month.
The day and the month are composed of one or two digits, the year of two or
four digits. The digit groups are separated by a slash or a hyphen.
13/12/99 The thirteenth of December ninety-nine
25/12/00 The twenty-fifth of December two thousand
Dates can also be specified in “written”, alphabetic formats.
Fri. 13 Feb 2000 Friday the thirteenth of February two thousand
Mon, Oct 27 1998 Monday, October twenty-seventh nineteen
December 27, 2000 Twenty-seventh two thousand
27th Jan. 2001 Twenty-seventh of January two thousand one
10th May 99 The tenth of May ninety-nine
July 4, 2000 Fourth July two thousand
7 April The seventh of April
02 May The second of May
Oct 22 October twenty-second
The abbreviations for the decennia are recognized.
60s 70s 90s
Time Indications
Time indications are recognized when one of the following formats is respected.
Hours only
9AM 12 pm