
B - 16
Cardinal numbers of up to 15 digits are pronounced as full numbers, longer
digit strings are pronounced digit by digit. Periods can be used to separate the
digit groups. Leading zeros are pronounced separately.
123456789012345 Honderd drieëntwintig triljoen vier honderd ...
123456 Honderd drieëntwintig duizend vierhonderd zesenvijftig
1234567890123456 Eén twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht negen nul één...
007 Nul nul zeven
Periods may be used to separate groups of three digits.
123.456 Honderd drieëntwintig duizend vierhonderd zesenvijftig
1234.56.789.012.345 Honderd drieëntwintig triljoen vier honderd
Decimal numbers may contain up to 15 digits before the comma and up to
15 digits after the comma. Periods may be used to separate groups of three
digits (before the comma). The digit string before the comma is pronounced
as a full number. The digit string after the comma is pronounced digit by digit
when it contains more than two digits.
150,65 Honderd vijftig comma vijfenzestig
1,2 Eén comma twee
0,02 Nul comma nul twee
1,234 Een comma twee drie vier
Alphanumeric Strings
With alphanumeric strings, a combination of letters and digits without spaces,
the alphabetic part is spelled and the numeric part is read as a full number.
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